Ubi Orta Pestilentia


Ubi Orta Pestilentia


To revitalize the covid-bound campus, theatre students and faculty came together to create a series of vignettes. Together, these vignettes became Ubi Orta Pestilentia.

Ubi is a site-specific drive through performance, following a zombie apocalypse in a small town in North Carolina. audience members drive through the town while watching devised vignettes and listening to curated audio pieces playing on the radio depending on their location.

In the final vignette, Chung draws a visually compelling scene at the community's central building that has a deep history with slavery and fires.

With a digital recreation of the fire projected onto the pristine walls, all zombies in previous vignettes are called to the location, walking across the audience's cars. A poetically curated audio of cast members recreating words of the past is played, burning the symbolic building once again for a re-ignition of commitment to a just future.

Artists use the Brechtian concept of aesthetic distance between a comedic and frightful zombie apocalypse and a pandemic looming over all lives.



Ariel Chung


Steve Kaliski

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Performing artists (struggle to) survive COVID

"it happened" 2021