The Kitchen Project

2020 - Ongoing

The Kitchen Project


The Kitchen Project is an oral history project recording stories of diasporic Asian mothers, daughters, and non-binary children on their relationship to food, care, and maternal figures. The project currently holds a multifaceted direction in envisioning oral history theories, Asian/American culture and history, archival research, and digital humanities.

Currently the project is supported by Columbia's Brown Insitute for Media Innovation and Chung's position as a Visiting Scholar at NYU Asian/Pacific/American Instittue.

Find the project page here .



Ariel Chung


Lucky Bommireddy
Rattana Bounsouaysana
Eliette Choi
Vanshika Singh

MAGIC Grant Digial Archive Collaborators

Anthony Sertel Dean
Miguel Donado
Eunice Kim

The Brown Insitute for Media Innovation

The Brown Insitute for Media Innovation

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