Ariel Urim Chung Portrait

About Ariel

Hi! I'm Ariel Urim [유림] Chung,

A scholar and artist, working across performance, technology, and oral history. I exhume the grandiosity of oppression in mundane spaces through first-person narratives. At large, I interrogate the visceral connection between consumption, aesthetics, and race.

You will find me at different sites—conferences, someone's home, archives, and black-box theatres—bouncing back between writing, performing, interviewing, and experimenting with what we call research. Right now, I am in NYC. Find me here.

Raised by a matriarchal household born in the complicated history between the Korean peninsula and the United States, I am compelled to look at

To know me best, try answering these questions yourself:


an oral history project on documenting stories of caretakers and family in diasporic Asian mothers, daughters, and non-binary children through food. Would you like to join me?


where is the 'site' for a site-specific performance for a community without a tangible physical site?


how do structures of care turn into those of violence towards racialized bodies?


how do we translate visceral senses into the digital medium?


I have the worst nightmares. Should I go to therapy?

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